Welcome to banana’s documentation!

🍌 banana is a C++17 library designed to be small and minimalistic wrapper over Telegram Bot API.

Key features

  • Simple API

  • Single interface for both blocking, non-blocking and even coroutine-based operations

  • Generic in terms of networking backend (bundled support for WinAPI, cpr and boost::beast)

  • Extendable (see custom-connector example)

  • Automatically generated from Telegram Bot API 5.0

  • Cross-platform (tested in CI on Windows, Linux and macOS)


banana is not a Telegram Bot Framework but a generic statically typed and highly-configurable thin wrapper over Telegram Bot API.

banana was designed to be both minimalistic and comprehensive at the same time. It doesn’t provide high-level abstractions or even TelegramBot class. Its main goal is to allow developer to build necessary abstractions on top of the banana API, abstracting from the Telegram API implementation.

You’ve been warned!


Indices and tables